COVID Information Center

Information last updated: December 13, 2020

Reactions to the COVID pandemic must be balanced, and that requires full transparency from media and government officials.  We’re bombarded with ‘breaking news’ every time there’s something bad to report, but much of the information people need to put things in perspective and reach their own informed opinion is sorely lacking.

This page is a repository of official government statistics gathered by the Kansas Policy Institute team. Americans can think for themselves and will act responsibly, but we don’t – and shouldn’t – take kindly to partially informed mandates.


Note: Most jurisdictions don’t publish the important historic data needed to prepare these charts.




Cases, hospitalization, and mortality by age group

Note: Most counties don’t publish this data by age group

Cases, deaths, mortality rate, and infection rate by county

Note: KDHE won’t publish deaths by county; that data is gathered by the New York Times and Wikipedia from county sites and published here

Cases and deaths in Kansas nursing homes and other clusters

Note: The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) doesn’t provide a county breakout.


Hospitalization and death rate trends in Kansas

Note: We began tracking this data on July 6, when KDHE rejected our Open Records request for historic data on hospitalizations


Hospital beds available in Kansas and regional states

Note: The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services gathers this data from hospitals


Cases and deaths by state

Note: The COVID data published by Worldometer is compared to US Census population estimates


Pneumonia, COVID, and flu deaths

Note: From the Centers for Disease Control


COVID economic impact

Note: The Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks monthly job changes