About The Sandlian Center for Entrepreneurial Government

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."

~ Abraham Lincoln & Peter Decker

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” This quote, attributed to President Abraham Lincoln and management consultant Peter Drucker, has inspired many people over the years to proactively address the challenges before them, and create a brighter, more prosperous future. That spirit exemplifies the mission of the Sandlian Center for Entrepreneurial Government at the Kansas Policy Institute.

Kansas is facing many serious challenges at the state and local levels. For example:

  • Tax burden – The state and local tax burden is high and will continue to worsen without intervention.
  • Outmigration – More people choosing to leave Kansas than to move here is a decades-long issue that has hit rural areas particularly hard.
  • Economic stagnation – Kansas is in its fourth consecutive decade of economic stagnation, job creation and economic growth (GDP) keep falling farther behind the national average.

Some politicians think more spending is the solution which makes the tax burden worse. Each tax dollar represents the hard work of a citizen and must be treated as such. Citizens demand high-quality services and just as with our family budgets we want to make sure that each dollar is spent wisely and to the greatest effect.

Encouraging more people to come or stay in Kansas requires a different approach. Citizens and governments alike must approach these challenges with an entrepreneurial mindset, trying to understand what it takes to attract more ‘customers’ without making life more difficult for existing residents.

The Sandlian Center for Entrepreneurial Government is named for legendary Wichita entrepreneur, Colby Sandlian, who’s also a longtime member of the KPI Advisory Council.

SCEG helps citizens and elected officials explore possible solutions to the many economic challenges facing Kansas with a variety of services. We work to identify barriers to success such as regulatory issues and electric rates and explore possible solutions.

SCEG examines government spending to identify efficiency opportunities, making the budgeting process more transparent and effective.