Action Center

Sign the petition to raise the bar in education

Kansas students are falling behind in the classroom. There are more students below grade level in Kansas than are proficient, and the results are worse in high school. Kansas families deserve more – show your support!

Sign the Petition Now!

Take tax relief out of Gov. Kelly's hands! Contact your legislator!

A constitutional amendment to limit assessed valuations lets voters decide about tax relief. Limit increases in property valuations! Kansans need property tax relief. Gov. Kelly has vetoed every opportunity by the Kansas legislature.

Double-digit increases in assessed valuations are being used by many local elected officials to sock taxpayers with unaffordable property tax hikes, and legislators can do something about it in the upcoming special session.

A constitutional amendment limiting the increase in assessed valuations would provide much-needed relief, and Governor Kelly cannot stop it with her pen. 

It would also clearly identify whether each legislator sides with taxpayers or the local elected officials who want to keep raising property taxes.

Contact Your Legislator