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Kansas small business owners are ready to be back in business



A new survey shows that small business owners in Kansas are concerned about getting customers to return after the pandemic as well as dealing with customer relations as they try to resume their operations.

In May, Kansas Policy Institute surveyed business members of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). They were asked questions regarding their actions and expectations about the COVID crisis.

The data is summarized in a comprehensive policy brief written by Russ K. McCullough, PhD. McCullough is the Chair of Economics at Ottawa University in Kansas and is also the Director of the Gwartney Institute for Freedom, Justice, and Human Flourishing.

Of businesses surveyed, 74% believed the closing of non-essential businesses was too restrictive, and 76% of the 139 businesses surveyed were fearful or uncertain that there will be permanent closures of businesses within their industry. 70% of the businesses surveyed were also concerned about increased liability.


“Kansas businesses are prepared to implement healthcare recommendation measures to keep customers and employees safe.  The May 2020 survey further suggests that policymakers should be very concerned and careful about considering any further shutdowns as the economic damage and recovery is the greatest concern among Kansas businesses.  Economic freedom should be preserved with shutdown policy a last resort,” said McCullough.

The survey responses suggest that government restrictions on private activity, absent transparent and objective bench­marks, are creating uncertainty that is expected to lead to permanent business closures within various industries.

James Franko, president of Kansas Policy Institute, remarks, “Each business is essential to its employees and their families, not to mention the owners, and folks in the community who rely on that business for some service or product. This survey provides a small business perspective on the concerns and steps being taken to protect families, customers, and employees as we continue to adjust to the pandemic. Small business owners are members of the community just like everyone else and will absolutely take steps to keep folks healthy, keep folks employed, and keep their doors open.”

In the conclusion of the written policy brief, McCullough points out that Kansas businesses are ready to be back in business. By reading the free responses from the surveys, policy makers should be very careful in hampering business activity. The responses suggest that continuing barriers to business activity have social costs higher than social benefits. A ‘free market’ would have customers choosing the businesses they want to patronize, given the level of protection, they offer along with the goods and services they sell.


CONTACT: Ellen Hathaway, Communications Director of Kansas Policy Institute: [email protected]