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State assessments results show falling scores, low rates of proficiency

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Results for the 2019 and 2021 state assessments are provided in this chart.

USD Achievement by County

The chart includes proficiency rates (Levels 3 and 4 in the state assessment) for both math and English language arts (ELA) by income level for all students in all grades. The results are reported for all 286 districts, and includes the county in which the district resides. (Note: State assessments were not given in 2020 due to COVID restrictions.)

The results are unimpressive. For example, in 2021, in only two districts did more than 50% of the low-income students score proficient in ELA. In math, zero districts had more than half the low-income students in the proficient category. One might deduce that the drop in scores was due to COVID. However, as KPI showed in this blog the state assessments results had been steadily declining in the pre-COVID years.

These results are clearly unacceptable, but KSDE and the state board continue to deemphasize both testing process and the results. This neglect should be a wake-up call to give parents choice in their children’s schooling, providing pathways toward better education opportunities, particularly those stuck in underperforming schools.

The 2021 version of KPI’s annual A-F Grading report card is coming soon and will provide assessment results down to the school building level. A-F Grading is a great resource as it translates state assessment scores into an easy-to-understand system of letter grades. A-F Grading is reported by school building and also includes per-pupil spending by building.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]