••• Education •••

Political indoctrination at taxpayer-funded Johnson County Community College

The adjacent course description from page 46 of the Johnson County Community College Summer Catalog is an egregious example of political indoctrination at taxpayer-funded institutions of higher education.  With phrases like “Why the Right-Wing holds on so fiercely” and referring to “right-wing institutions” JCCC effectively endorses the contention that so-called ‘right-wingers’ prevent ‘authentic dialogue as well as patriotism.’

JCCC right wingAre they really questioning the patriotism of those who dare not adhere to certain beliefs?  If there’s anything that causes ‘societal stress that contributes to illness in our society’ it’s the elitist notion that only one viewpoint is valid.  And if it’s possible to make this situation worse, JCCC says this course qualifies for continuing education credit for registered nurses and other medical professionals!

To be clear, it would be equally inappropriate for a taxpayer-funded institution to espouse the superiority of those who lean ‘right’ and blame the ills of society on those who lean ‘left.’

If you’d like to share your thoughts on this matter with the Trustees at the college, you can find their email addresses here.

The 3-hour course gets underway on Tuesday, July 26 at 5:30pm.  I think I’ll spend the evening grieving the decline of civil discourse and the rise of political activism at taxpayer-funded schools and colleges.