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Articles by:
David Dorsey
The 2024 edition of the A-F grading for Kansas public and private schools is now available
David Dorsey
Private schools continue to outperform public schools on state assessments.
David Dorsey
NAEP scores still stink. Now what?
David Dorsey
National School Choice “program” is a bad idea
David Dorsey
Watson and ‘poverty’ – the blame game
David Dorsey
No “October surprise”: state assessment scores tank again
David Dorsey
Get ready for a state assessment “October surprise”
David Dorsey
A potential $1.5 billion at-risk program just got closer
David Dorsey
School choice – “If you build it, he will come”
David Dorsey
Want more school choice? Change the Kansas charter school law
David Dorsey
5 Things to Watch for in the Coming School Year
David Dorsey
Kansas lawmakers should focus on an ESA program, Chiefs and Royals will be fine
David Dorsey
Is the Legislature ready for a $1.5 billion at-risk program?
David Dorsey
There’s still time to change the state’s at-risk program
David Dorsey
School choice initiatives flourish across the country, flounder in Kansas (pt 2)
David Dorsey
School choice initiatives flourish across the country, flounder in Kansas (pt 1)
David Dorsey
KPI presents 2023 edition of the A-F grading for Kansas public and private schools
David Dorsey
2023 state assessments – private schools once again outperform public schools
David Dorsey
Kansas in bottom half of country for education freedom
David Dorsey
LPA audit provides more evidence that student achievement cannot be bought
David Dorsey
Commissioner Watson spins low test scores
David Dorsey
Latest audit report excoriates state at-risk program at all levels: “little appears to have changed”
David Dorsey
Oklahoma school choice program a slightly different approach
David Dorsey
Oklahoma passes universal tax credit scholarship program
David Dorsey
NAEP scores, SCOTUS decision highlight need for expanded school choice
David Dorsey
KPI presents 2022 edition of the A-F grading for Kansas public and private schools
David Dorsey
KPI presents the 2023 Public Education Fact Book
David Dorsey
State board’s adoption of goals and outcomes is a real head-scratcher
David Dorsey
Don’t expect bureaucracy to allow “science of reading” approach to make a difference
David Dorsey
SBOE/KSDE and Kansas Supreme Court see student success much differently
David Dorsey
Educrats fear the coming of ESAs, educational freedom
David Dorsey
Vote to close KCMO charter school exposes the unlevel accountability playing field
David Dorsey
Iowa and Utah expand school choice, pass universal ESA laws
David Dorsey
Low-income students in private schools again outperform public school counterparts
David Dorsey
Research shows Kansas students left behind despite huge spending increases
David Dorsey
Public education data important as 2023 legislative session approaches
David Dorsey
Survey shows Kansas parents satisfied with school choice program
David Dorsey
Myths and truths about tax credit scholarship programs
David Dorsey
Note to KSDE and SBOE: “Knowledge is Good”
David Dorsey
KASB shows fundamental ignorance of school choice options
David Dorsey
FAQs about ESAs
David Dorsey
School accountability a key component in student success
David Dorsey
Curriculum transparency: parents’ right to know what’s being taught, and how
David Dorsey
Early 2022 NAEP results show biggest learning loss in 50 years
David Dorsey
School choice Q & A
David Dorsey
Better “messaging” will not improve student achievement
David Dorsey
KASB report that ranks Kansas 10th in nation an exercise in data manipulation
David Dorsey
U.S. Supreme Court hands another win to private school choice
David Dorsey
Regardless of process, achievement gaps and lower state assessment scores persist
David Dorsey
Confusion, frustration and ignorance reign regarding state assessment cut scores at SBOE meeting
David Dorsey
Teacher quality report gives low grades to Kansas teacher prep programs
David Dorsey
KASB report is a misunderstanding of state assessment data
David Dorsey
Open enrollment law hardly destroys “representative government”
David Dorsey
More evidence of structural segregation in Kansas public schools
David Dorsey
Governor’s Commission on Racial Equality – a missed opportunity to address real education issues
David Dorsey
KPI presents the 2021 A-F Grading of Kansas public and private schools
David Dorsey
State assessments results show falling scores, low rates of proficiency
David Dorsey
2022 Public Education Fact Book
David Dorsey
A focus on leadership at the center of Fort Leavenworth student achievement
David Dorsey
Private schools continue to outperform public schools on state assessments
David Dorsey
Learning recovery grants should be expanded into full-fledged expansion of education choice
David Dorsey
School districts (again) rake in millions for non-existent students
David Dorsey
National study’s evidence of structural segregation in public education also true in Kansas
David Dorsey
Lower state assessment results more than just a function of COVID
David Dorsey
State board chairman needs refresher course in education funding, board responsibilities
David Dorsey
Blue Valley high schools top Niche state rankings
David Dorsey
Kansans Can – hardly an “ambitious overhaul of Kansas schools”
David Dorsey
KSDE’s Kansans Can awards are mostly participation ribbons
David Dorsey
Kansas Title I program has not improved low-income student achievement
David Dorsey
Proposed increased federal education spending won’t help kids
David Dorsey
State Board of Education pulls a ‘Sgt. Schultz’ on critical race theory
David Dorsey
NEA pledges $127K to promote critical race theory
David Dorsey
Parental choice answers controversies in public education
David Dorsey
Don’t expect federal COVID money to improve student performance
David Dorsey
Lack of new achievement data makes COVID impact difficult to analyze
David Dorsey
Education establishment prepping for post-COVID cash grab
David Dorsey
Kansas, just say no to feds push to teach critical race theory
David Dorsey
2021 Education FactBook provides annual look at spending and achievement
David Dorsey
Rigorous teacher prep programs and state licensing requirements do not translate into higher student achievement.
David Dorsey
The time is now to overhaul the K-12 at-risk program
David Dorsey
A reminder that low-income students perform better in private schools
David Dorsey
Governor’s Commission on Racial Equality and Justice should next turn focus to education
David Dorsey
Despite promises, the Biden presidency will have little effect on K-12 education
David Dorsey
Kansas should forge ahead with state assessments
David Dorsey
It’s time to change the rules on the Kansas charter school law
David Dorsey
Student weightings add over $1.4 billion in education expenditures
David Dorsey
Education finance formula provides hundreds of millions for non-existent students
David Dorsey
COVID-related reduction in student enrollment will not impact school financing
David Dorsey
Education is still (for now) not a fundamental right under the U.S. Constitution
David Dorsey
Public education a recession-proof industry
David Dorsey
State’s competency-based education plan doomed to be a non-starter
David Dorsey
Who’s really in charge of how schools will reopen?
David Dorsey
What the Espinoza decision means for school choice in Kansas
David Dorsey
Kelly’s order to delay school opening is unwarranted
David Dorsey
It is time to change the narrative on public education spending
David Dorsey
School reopening plans a reminder that K-12 education in Kansas is building based
David Dorsey
Better teacher prep programs, not math coaches, is the answer to low math achievement
David Dorsey
Looking ahead to the next school year
David Dorsey
2020 Education FactBook provides 20/20 look at spending and achievement
David Dorsey
National education groups use COVID for federal cash grab
David Dorsey
An open letter to parents as teachers
David Dorsey
A closer look at per-pupil spending and student achievement lowers Kansas rank
David Dorsey
Low-income students in private schools shine
David Dorsey
Audit shows targeted funding misses at-risk students
David Dorsey
NAEP scores leave Kansas Association of School Boards making excuses
David Dorsey
NAEP scores – double trouble for Kansas students
David Dorsey
The Broken Record Syndrome: More money to education and flat state assessment scores
David Dorsey
Feds award Blue Ribbons to six Kansas schools – McCarthy Elementary in Hays stands apart
David Dorsey
KC Star article misses mark on “teacher shortage”
David Dorsey
New report provides more evidence that Kansas education is not Top 10
David Dorsey
With no accountability, Gannon plaintiffs prioritize non-Instruction hiring
David Dorsey
College remediation rates improving, but still too high
David Dorsey
KASB falsely ranks Kansas 9th best education achievement in the country
David Dorsey
Claim that more Gannon money will be used to hire 5,400 teachers doesn’t stand up to scrutiny
David Dorsey
Gannon VII oral arguments focus on inflation, constitutionality of Montoy
David Dorsey
2019 Education FactBook gives perspective on spending and achievement
David Dorsey
Sumner Academy’s student-focused approach leads to high success
David Dorsey
Summit Learning – grasping resistance from the jaws of opportunity
David Dorsey
2018 A-F Grading of Kansas Schools Released
David Dorsey
Once again low-income students do better in Kansas private schools
David Dorsey
Different look at state assessment results provides same conclusion
David Dorsey
Cato study disputes claims of Kansas education efficiency
David Dorsey
Latest Governor’s Education Council will do nothing to help prepare Kansas students and boost the state’s economy
David Dorsey
State assessment scores drop again despite infusion of court-ordered money
David Dorsey
Kansas educational system earns an F in parental access to impact educational opportunities
David Dorsey
ACT results for class of 2018: lower overall scores and curriculum-based achievement gaps
David Dorsey
Tallman Report’s pretzel logic justifies high education spending
David Dorsey
Hey, state board, where are the state assessment results?
David Dorsey
State’s passive approach to “best practices” won’t improve outcomes of at-risk students
David Dorsey
Tallman report wrongly compares school superintendents to “other” Kansas CEOs
David Dorsey
KASB’s data manipulation avoids truth about spending, inflation and student outcomes
David Dorsey
LeBron’s “I Promise” school – a model Kansas should emulate
David Dorsey
About that Tallman Education Report…just one more thing
David Dorsey
Janus-faced public-sector unions Janus-cased by US Supreme Court
David Dorsey
Gannon VI, Die Hard and All That Jazz
David Dorsey
Consequences, not spending, drive changes in student achievement
David Dorsey
An alternate look at spending and achievement disputes relationship determined by Supreme Court
David Dorsey
KPI presents scholarly review critical of WestEd education cost study
David Dorsey
Disconnected players lead to education funding mess
David Dorsey
State’s charter school law once again earns an “F”
David Dorsey
Review of Kansas education cost studies a reminder of the absurdity of it all
David Dorsey
How money is spent, not how much, is key in K-12 spending, Hanushek tells Kansans
David Dorsey
Nationwide report card shows Kansas continues to perform below national average
David Dorsey
Low income students are doing better in KS private schools – School Choice Week
David Dorsey
Latest Stanford study shows NYC charter students outperform traditional public school students – and at a lower cost
David Dorsey
Chameleon court decides it really is all about the Benjamins (for now)
David Dorsey
New education funding targeted toward teacher compensation, not student outcomes
David Dorsey
Kansas composite and college ready ACT scores drop in 2017
David Dorsey
A reminder of workplace freedom – National Employee Freedom Week
David Dorsey
“The Wrong Stuff”- new school redesign project should be “deep spaced”
David Dorsey
Taxpayer Choice: Grow Government or Help Kids
David Dorsey
Defending the indefensible – Supreme Court holds oral arguments on new education funding bill
David Dorsey
The new school funding formula (SB 19) ensures another lawsuit
David Dorsey
New school finance law will do nothing to improve outcomes of at-risk students
David Dorsey
Education funding bill overspends, fails to hold schools accountable
David Dorsey
U.S. Supreme Court decision could reduce the Blaine amendment effect
David Dorsey
Student Outcomes Not Improving Despite Huge increases in Education Spending
David Dorsey
KASB massages data, distorts with school choice “research”
David Dorsey
Again and again, in Kansas public education it’s protecting the institutions first, students second
David Dorsey
Giant education establishment relentless in effort to quash tax credit scholarship program
David Dorsey
New Study Shows At-risk Charter School Students Outperform Those in Exclusive Schools
David Dorsey
Legislature may need course correction on K-12 education funding bill
David Dorsey
KASB Funding Proposal Ignores Legal Test of Adequacy
David Dorsey
Mike O’Neal speaks out on the Gannon decision
David Dorsey
Gannon: The Fallacy of the Court’s Emerson Analysis
David Dorsey
When it comes to education spending accountability “the times, they are a-changin”
David Dorsey
Good news! No big news from Supreme Court Gannon decision
David Dorsey
Walton Rural Life Center – Exhibit A that Kansas has no real charter schools
David Dorsey
It’s baaaaack! Teacher due process poised to be wrested from local control
David Dorsey
At-risk overhaul needed in education finance law
David Dorsey
Innovative schools doing nothing all districts couldn’t do with no evidence of increased student achievement
David Dorsey
Student achievement crisis continues
David Dorsey
What Trump’s Education Secretary could mean for Kansas school choice
David Dorsey
Market-based solutions – the best approach to an overstated teacher shortage
David Dorsey
Education spending and KASB’s government entitlement mentality: Part 4
David Dorsey
Public education funding and a government entitlement mentality – Part 3
David Dorsey
Highland Park students’ Florida trip is a reminder of the need for school choice
David Dorsey
Oral arguments in Gannon – a case of the misguided, misinformed and a missed opportunity
David Dorsey
Non-KPERS funding sets another per-pupil record in 2015-16
David Dorsey
Per-pupil funding still exceeds $13K, 2016-17 estimated to be another record year
David Dorsey
Kansas Supreme Court hears arguments regarding K-12 funding adequacy pursuant to Gannon case
David Dorsey
School operating cash reserves set new record at $911 million
David Dorsey
Kansas Action for Children “report” wrongly blames Kansas tax changes for stratospheric higher ed costs
David Dorsey
More court-ordered money to schools wouldn’t make them any more accountable
David Dorsey
KASB’s State Education Report Card – using facts to mask the truth
David Dorsey
Media reports divided over teacher departure data
David Dorsey
“Huge blow” of superintendent turnover is nothing more than hot air
David Dorsey
Proposed $900 million K-12 funding increase displays State Board’s disconnection and dysfunction
David Dorsey
Blue Ribbon task force on teacher supply and retention – an exercise in missed opportunities
David Dorsey
Spending variations reveal potential for millions more to classrooms
David Dorsey
The system is not the solution – “Kansans Can” Part 2
David Dorsey
Innovative School Districts – good intentions, potential gone unrealized
David Dorsey
Growth in Kansas education spending, debt and cash outpaces region, nation and inflation
David Dorsey
“Kansans Can” –rearranging deck chairs in the name of reform – Part 1
David Dorsey
Census data confirms no correlation between school spending and achievement
David Dorsey
Gannon school funding litigation – a summary of decisions and KPI responses
David Dorsey
Taking a closer look at telling the feds they can keep their education dollars
David Dorsey
Maybe it’s time Kansas tells the feds they can keep their money and not “yield to blackmail.”
David Dorsey
Disconnect between Common Core standards and math curriculum place unnecessary burden on teachers
David Dorsey
Grade 12 NAEP scores – more evidence that high school seniors are not prepared for college/career
David Dorsey
Presidential politics and public education – where the candidates stand
David Dorsey
After further review – statements in KCEG report are overturned
David Dorsey
Once again the Kansas Center for Economic Growth makes another pitch for more taxes and spending on education
David Dorsey
School cash reserves up 82% over the last decade
David Dorsey
An Open Letter to Teachers Regarding the Proposed School Funding Law
David Dorsey
Teacher’s Guide to Education Funding
David Dorsey
Innovative School Districts – falling short of expectations
David Dorsey
Life of the Law podcast – yet another uninformed, stilted comment on the Kansas education funding fiasco
David Dorsey
Classroom size increases despite teacher hiring outpacing student growth
David Dorsey
Pay raises to superintendents and principals far outpace those to teachers
David Dorsey
As the New Legislative Session Begins, the Education Establishment Crows the Same Old, Tired Tune
David Dorsey
Nationwide Report on Education Provides Evidence that Kansas Students Perform Poorly in a Nation of Mediocre Achievement
David Dorsey
Reaction to Los Angeles Charter School Study Misses Bigger, Fundamental Point
David Dorsey
Ten things about the new federal education law
David Dorsey
KPI releases landmark at-risk education report
David Dorsey
School districts prioritize hiring management over teachers
David Dorsey
2015 NAEP results: Not a good report card for Kansas
David Dorsey
KPI Paper – At-Risk Funding: Increased Money Fails to Increase Achievement
David Dorsey
School spending, state aid set another record
David Dorsey
At-risk funding misses target of putting students first
David Dorsey
The 2015 ACT results – Achievement gaps and a perspective on Kansas scores
David Dorsey
State BOE sets cut scores – leaving more questions than answers
David Dorsey
Out with the old, in with the new – State Board of Education set to determine new state assessment cut scores
David Dorsey
Media sugarcoats, KSDE downplays flat ACT scores
David Dorsey
Universal pre-school is not a solution
David Dorsey
Debunking the “Great Kansas Teacher Exodus” Myth
David Dorsey
Published report reveals huge “honesty gap” in reported Kansas math and reading proficiency rates
David Dorsey
Washington Post article sinks to new low in describing plight and flight of Kansas teachers
David Dorsey
State-sponsored workshop reveals complexities of school district budgeting process
David Dorsey
States’ education reforms strengthen school choice, support teachers
David Dorsey
Lyon County schools to see overall increase in state aid under block grants
David Dorsey
USD 437 LOB election raises more questions than provides answers
David Dorsey
Forget “The new first grade” – Is kindergarten the new fifth grade?
David Dorsey
Proposed Lawrence USD 497 budget cuts: “It just don’t add up!”
David Dorsey
David Dorsey Talks About At-Risk Funding
David Dorsey
USD 501 uses scare tactics to justify LOB election
David Dorsey
The political and judicial impact of at-risk funding in Kansas – at-risk funding part 3
David Dorsey
State aid to Saline, Ottawa and McPherson counties to increase under block grants
David Dorsey
State aid to Finney and Ford County schools increases under block grants
David Dorsey
State aid to Reno and Harvey counties to increase under block grants
David Dorsey
Common Core and charter schools (with a nod to the national pastime)
David Dorsey
KCEG won’t document their false claims on education funding – again.
David Dorsey
School employment data shows gaps in reporting and wide variations among districts
David Dorsey
The legislature and collective bargaining bills – much ado about the unnecessary
David Dorsey
At Risk School Funding 101
David Dorsey
ACT Scores 2014 – it’s deja vu all over again
David Dorsey
Teacher evaluations Part 1 – The first date syndrome
David Dorsey
Common Core Standards – Sometimes even reformers get it wrong
David Dorsey
The Teacher Salary Matrix – Caught in a Net
David Dorsey
A teacher’s perspective on Gannon
David Dorsey