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Articles by:
Ganon Evans
2024 County Spending Comparison
Ganon Evans
What the proponents of subsidies for the Chiefs aren’t telling you
Ganon Evans
Economic growth is a marathon, not a sprint
Ganon Evans
Governor Kelly keeps moving goal posts when vetoing tax reform
Ganon Evans
2023 Kansas payrolls: $2.48 billion
Ganon Evans
2024 Green Book: No tax relief means little growth
Ganon Evans
Kansas doles subsidies to billionaires while ordinary families lack relief
Ganon Evans
Kelly vetoes tax reform amidst steady budget estimates
Ganon Evans
People voting with their feet: $364 million AGI lost to states with lower tax burden
Ganon Evans
What’s going on with the federal Farm Bill?
Ganon Evans
Kansas ranks 41st for private-sector jobs since 1998
Ganon Evans
Kansas has highest rural property taxes
Ganon Evans
New flat tax bill offers relief across all incomes
Ganon Evans
Regulatory sandbox bill would help entrepreneurs succeed
Ganon Evans
What does effective tax relief look like?
Ganon Evans
Integra’s $2.9 billion facility and its taxpayer subsidies
Ganon Evans
Recent revenue estimates shouldn’t deny tax relief
Ganon Evans
KPI Releases 2025 Responsible Kansas Budget
Ganon Evans
2025 Responsible Kansas Budget
Ganon Evans
Responsible budgeting key to tax reform
Ganon Evans
Low-income families save more on the flat tax proposal than Gov. Kelly’s plan
Ganon Evans
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Governor Kelly’s Proposed Budget
Ganon Evans
Kansas’s short-run GDP growth versus long-run stagnation
Ganon Evans
A snapshot of the 2025 Responsible Kansas Budget
Ganon Evans
Five reasons for tax reform in 2024
Ganon Evans
Property taxes highlight a need to operate effectively
Ganon Evans
Five ways Kansas can responsibly cut taxes
Ganon Evans
Reforming Kansas Tax Policy
Ganon Evans
Kansas would have a $4.5 billion surplus after four years of a flat tax
Ganon Evans
The flat tax through the lens of Iowa’s success story
Ganon Evans
Examining four regulations on Kansas’s books
Ganon Evans
Integra megaproject shaping up to be another Panasonic flop
Ganon Evans
Kansas flounders as other states shore up their tax climate
Ganon Evans
$2.3 billion in 2023 school payrolls available
Ganon Evans
Promoting economic opportunity through regulatory sandboxes
Ganon Evans
What does the Farm Bill’s lapse mean for Kansas?
Ganon Evans
High food prices stem from government overreach in agriculture policy
Ganon Evans
Skepticism towards tax reform reaffirms Kansas’s poor economic track record
Ganon Evans
Kansas still swimming in excess revenue
Ganon Evans
Steps to vaporize Kansas’s regulatory burden
Ganon Evans
Kansas losing the race for private-sector job growth
Ganon Evans
Kansans’ migration across the state isn’t a one way trip
Ganon Evans
Public hearings for local property taxes beginning August 20th
Ganon Evans
Kansas is an oasis with no progress on regulatory sandboxes
Ganon Evans
Kansas budget a record $23.8 billion this year
Ganon Evans
Price tag on Kansas’s Panasonic scheme ticks higher
Ganon Evans
Attending revenue-neutral rate hearings can help cut property taxes
Ganon Evans
Making the most of Kansas’s federal broadband funds
Ganon Evans
Transparency in prices could reduce medical costs
Ganon Evans
Ads want to attract new Kansans, but jobs aren’t here
Ganon Evans
Film subsidies are a box office flop
Ganon Evans
Over 3,700 KPERS Millionaires in 2022
Ganon Evans
Kansas loses private-sector jobs for third month in a row
Ganon Evans
2022 Kansas Payrolls: $2.36 billion
Ganon Evans
Kansas’s $1 billion Panasonic handout part of $100 billion in subsidies nationwide
Ganon Evans
Kansas collects higher state tax per capita than average
Ganon Evans
Kansas slips into second straight month of job loss
Ganon Evans
Governor Kelly vetoes tax relief amidst budget surplus
Ganon Evans
Rich States Poor States: Kansas ranked 39th in economic performance
Ganon Evans
Bill prohibiting state investment in ESG moves forward
Ganon Evans
Kansas ranks 38th nationwide for earnings growth
Ganon Evans
Kansas conference week round-up
Ganon Evans
3 ways Truth in Taxation empowers taxpayers
Ganon Evans
Over two decades, Kansas lost 200,000 residents while neighbors gain
Ganon Evans
ESG-related bills stir discussion in Kansas
Ganon Evans
Kansas economy falling behind by staying in the same place
Ganon Evans
2022 payroll and overtime for Kansas’s largest cities and counties
Ganon Evans
2023 Green Book: Kansas stagnates while others grow
Ganon Evans
2023 Green Book
Ganon Evans
Tax relief going forward in the Kansas Legislature
Ganon Evans
Kansas continues to see more out migration than in
Ganon Evans
What is a Flat Tax?
Ganon Evans
Small businesses pay for ineffective megasubsidies
Ganon Evans
What does ESG mean for Kansas?
Ganon Evans
Kansas ends 2022 without fully recovering to pre-pandemic jobs numbers
Ganon Evans
Lights, camera, please no action on film subsidies
Ganon Evans
Kelly’s budget a malaise of meager tax cuts and hidden spending
Ganon Evans
Review of Kansas’ Performance-Based Budgeting Shows Poor Results
Ganon Evans
A Review of Kansas’ Performance-Based Budgeting
Ganon Evans
2024 Responsible Kansas Budget
Ganon Evans
The 2024 Responsible Kansas Budget
Ganon Evans
Debunking 6 Myths About a Flat Tax
Ganon Evans
Kansas can’t keep pace with over half of country on pandemic job recovery
Ganon Evans
Four Reasons for a Flat Tax
Ganon Evans
Declining economic indicators show need for tax relief in Kansas
Ganon Evans
Viva la Flat Tax Revolution!
Ganon Evans
Kansas still below pre-pandemic job numbers despite private job growth
Ganon Evans
Kansas keeps getting duped by economic development schemes
Ganon Evans
Inaccurate revenue estimates aren’t a sign for more spending
Ganon Evans
Kansas needs more accurate tax revenue estimates
Ganon Evans
Fewer government workers gives Kansans room to grow
Ganon Evans
Governor Kelly Ranked “C” in Fiscal Policy: ranked below nearby governors
Ganon Evans
Kansas lost $295 million AGI in 2020 because of people leaving the state
Ganon Evans
Big revenues don’t excuse big government spending
Ganon Evans
State responses to Biden student loan decision
Ganon Evans
Unspoken reality gets bigger as Kansas jobs shrink
Ganon Evans
Kelly administration has $1.2 billion in unspent ARPA COVID-relief funds
Ganon Evans
What does “dark store theory” debate mean for Kansas property taxes?
Ganon Evans
25 months of excessive revenue continue decades of stagnation
Ganon Evans
Combating inflation at the state level
Ganon Evans
Is your local government increasing property taxes this month?
Ganon Evans
Kansas still 19,500 jobs below pre-pandemic levels
Ganon Evans
Topeka relocation subsidy isn’t working
Ganon Evans
Many counties withhold information on property tax hearings
Ganon Evans
Excess tax collections are not good for taxpayers
Ganon Evans
Free Market Solutions to Kansas’s Rising Electric Costs
Ganon Evans
Kansas families are losing $8,700 annually from inflation
Ganon Evans
Megaproject and Government Spending Can’t Hide Anemic Job Growth
Ganon Evans
Saving Billions in Kansas Government Budgets
Ganon Evans
Think Long-Term Relief with FY 2022 Tax Revenue
Ganon Evans
“Goal” of the World Cup is Soccer, Not Wasting Taxpayer Cash
Ganon Evans
Older Residents Leave Kansas For Low-Tax States
Ganon Evans
Efficient Spending Is Key to Cutting Kansas’s Retirement Tax
Ganon Evans
Cheap, Clean Energy Isn’t An Oxymoron
Ganon Evans
Kansas and 17 Other States Lose Private-Sector Jobs in May
Ganon Evans
Tracking Kansas ARPA Funds
Ganon Evans
Income Tax Increases from Inflation Lose Kansans Wealth
Ganon Evans
Kansas Income Taxes $232 Million Over May Estimates
Ganon Evans
2022 Green Book: Spend Less, Tax Less, Grow More
Ganon Evans
2022 Green Book
Ganon Evans
Don’t Fumble Taxpayer Cash with Kansas Stadium Subsidies
Ganon Evans
Declining April Jobs in Kansas Amidst Recession Fears
Ganon Evans
2021 Kansas Payrolls: $2.26 billion
Ganon Evans
Time’s Not Yet Up for More Kansan Tax Relief
Ganon Evans
April 2022 Kansas Tax Collections: Remember a Balanced Budget
Ganon Evans
Will Long-Term Kansas Tax Relief Please Stand Up?
Ganon Evans
Turn Short-Term Surpluses Into Long-Term Tax Relief
Ganon Evans
Kelly’s Tax Council proposes higher taxes, more spending
Ganon Evans
Tax Cuts Alongside Truth in Taxation Enhancements In Kansas HB 2597
Ganon Evans
March 2022 Kansas Job Stagnation
Ganon Evans
What Savings Do Kansans Get With HB 2239?
Ganon Evans
High March 2022 Kansas Tax Collection: Time for Tax Relief
Ganon Evans
Can February 2022 Kansas Jobs Numbers Help Slow Inflation?
Ganon Evans
Wyandotte Commissioners Want to Keep Growing Government at Taxpayers’ Expense
Ganon Evans
Simple Tax Reform Goes a Long Way
Ganon Evans
Kansas Legislation Guarantees Right to Work for Eyebrow Threaders
Ganon Evans
January 2022 Report Shows Job Growth in Kansas
Ganon Evans
Thinking Responsibly About the Kansas Budget
Ganon Evans
Tax Reform Possible Through High February 2022 Tax Revenue
Ganon Evans
Kansas Film Subsidies would be a Blockbuster-Sized Mess
Ganon Evans
What’s Causing Kansas Inflation?
Ganon Evans
Rethinking Regulatory Oversight with SCR 1618
Ganon Evans
Ideas for ARPA and Kansas Revenue Cash Pile
Ganon Evans
Streamlining State Regulations: A Review of State Legislative Proposals
Ganon Evans
Streamlining State Regulations
Ganon Evans
Tax Revenue Highs Continue into January 2022
Ganon Evans
Zoning Reform, Not Subsidies, Reduces Housing Costs
Ganon Evans
SB 347: The Mother of All Subsidies
Ganon Evans
December 2021 Jobs Report: Less Labor Participation, More Subsidies
Ganon Evans
Governor Kelly Proposes $2.3 Billion in Budget Changes
Ganon Evans
2022 State of the State…With a Grain of Salt
Ganon Evans
The Responsible Kansas Budget
Ganon Evans
A Responsible Kansas Budget
Ganon Evans
Entrepreneurship Resources in Kansas
Ganon Evans
High Tax Revenue Continues into December 2021
Ganon Evans
Kansas Needs Long-Term Rate Reductions, Not Election Year Rebates
Ganon Evans
How Free is Kansas in 2021?
Ganon Evans
Oracle’s Acquisition of Cerner Signals Issues with Kansas Subsidies
Ganon Evans
November 2021 Jobs: Slow Pandemic Recovery Continues
Ganon Evans
Reforming Zoning Laws Reduces Housing Costs
Ganon Evans
Subsidies Do Not Equal Economic Growth in Kansas
Ganon Evans
Expanding Broadband Access in Kansas
Ganon Evans
Don’t Expand Government Through November Tax Revenue Surplus
Ganon Evans
Cutting Red Tape in Kansas
Ganon Evans
October 2021 Jobs: Slow Growth Amidst High Inflation
Ganon Evans
Don’t Let High Inflation Hurt Taxpayers Through Bracket Creep
Ganon Evans
Cut Wasteful Spending to Eliminate the Food Sales Tax
Ganon Evans
Solutions to Kansas’ High Property Taxes
Ganon Evans
October Tax Surplus Invites Reform to Prevent Over-Taxation
Ganon Evans
What is the government’s fair share of what you earn?
Ganon Evans
Land Banks Fail to Solve Government-Created Living Costs
Ganon Evans
September 2021 Jobs Report: Growth on the Horizon?
Ganon Evans
Truth in Accounting Highlights Uncomfortable Truths About Kansas Pensions
Ganon Evans
Use Excess Revenues for Tax Relief, Not More Spending
Ganon Evans
August Jobs Numbers Show Slow Growth for Kansas
Ganon Evans
Helping Kansans by Rethinking Taxes Around Remote Work
Ganon Evans
Tax Expenditure Limits Prevent Government’s Balancing Act
Ganon Evans
Share COVID Relief Funds with Taxpayers Instead of Expanding Government
Ganon Evans
Tax Ideas for the 2022 Kansas Legislative Session
Ganon Evans
July 2021 Job Numbers: Some Private Growth with Room for Improvement
Ganon Evans
Kansas Businesses Would Thrive in a Regulatory Sandbox
Ganon Evans
Cerner’s Kansas Move Represents the Issues of STAR Bonds
Ganon Evans
2022 Lawrence Budget: Misdirection and Runaway Spending
Ganon Evans
Kansas lagging behind neighbors who dropped unemployment benefits
Ganon Evans